Monday, August 2, 2010

An Ode to Posts & Ropes

While my grandfather (my mother's father) was still living he had an uncanny ability to find, point out, and explain the greatness of "posts and ropes". The standing poles connected with varying types of chord, rope, and webbing which sector off areas and create order while we wait in lines blend into the background for most of us, but not for him. My grandfather used to work for the posts and ropes company, hence his pride. Well after being in Albania for 5 short months (yes it's been that long think on that) I have come to share his admiration for posts and ropes.

I came into the Bahkia today to a mess of people, a huge clump blocking the entire hallway. The people spilled out into the waiting area, and then out to the front of the building. I pushed my way through (literally pushed) just to get to my office. This is not an uncommon site in Albania. Waiting "lines" don't really have any order, actually they don't really have any lines. People just clump in front of the window or door hoping to push their way into the front. This trend continues into food station windows, and many times I have left without buying ice cream, too frustrated that about 5 people have just cut in front of me. What I wouldn't do for a little order. To know that it is my turn, or the person in the red sweater, or sparkly sequined top's turn. What I wouldn't do for just a few old posts and ropes.

So thank you Pop-pop for all your posts and ropes, and for all the times you pointed them out to me; I'm sorry I never appreciated them enough before.

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