Hello all, if you would like to know what I'm up to in the Peace Corps in Albania this is the place to look!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Lingering Questions
Please post questions you have about Albania/my life here in the comments section so that I can respond to them!
Natural Landscape
It is hard for me to even begin to talk about the natural landscape and tell you how beautiful it is. There are multiple different landscapes in Albania, ranging from mountainous, to coastal, and combinations. My site is not so naturally beautiful, with its flat landscape, dirty river (made worse by the trash that is thrown into it), and lack of public green spaces. But other places have picturesque landscapes (such as Tepelne where I visited this weekend) with blue rivers cutting through towering mountains, birds flying around, and endless amounts of blooming wildflowers. There are many beaches in this country, the nearest one to me is Durres, which again is a little bit dirty. Many other beaches remain beautiful (so I've heard) and I cannot wait to visit them.
This country has a huge trash problem, well I suppose the whole world has a huge trash problem, we in the States might just be a little bit better at hiding it from the public eye. Trash will really just be dumped anywhere (usually near a river, because then it floats downstream away from you?), despite there being trash collection systems. To be fair Albania does not really have methods of dealing with trash, and has very little recycling. I have started to ask for used beer bottles to make a mosaic with. I'm hoping I can expand this endeavor into a project, but for now I will just make a small mark while making some art.
I can't talk about development on a whole in this country, but maybe I can make some quick notes and observations about it. Another volunteer pointed out that much of it is a facade (nothing new to me but a good way of putting it). When you look at it this country appears to be developed, but when you look beyond that you see the undone interiors, the lack of following rules (or upholding them), the existence of internet but its only use being facebook, and then the young child driving a car... Things are certainly happening here it's just occasionally very slowly.
Sometimes I get a little frustrated, angry, annoyed, or uncomfortable. I dislike walking to work along the center of town, only to have hoards of men sitting at the tables outside of the local cafes looking at me. Maybe I'm imagining it, but it can be difficult when there are no women sitting with them, or around them, or often even walking around me. I have only had one actual thing happen to me, as a boy followed me around Elbason asking me to come for coffee, refusing to leave despite me yelling at him to, or telling him I was married (to which I received a reply of "it's not a problem"). Not really that much of an issue, but just annoying that this can happen leaving someone a little bit helpless. I also enjoyed my boss telling me that that housework is not for men (my boss is female). I've just never really been one for housework, but I guess that's what the Peace Corps is for (growing).
Getting around this country is somewhat easy, and somewhat affordable. There are a few methods of transport 1) The buses. I tend to like taking the buses because they are easy, generally they leave at the same time every day (although this is unreliable and also there is no posted schedule). They tend to be slow but do not cost huge amounts. 2) Furgons, also known as mini buses. Furgons have set starting points and ending points (usually) but do not have specific stops and leave whenever they are full. They are certainly faster than the bus method but sometimes a little costlier, and our good old city of Shijak does not really have them. 3) cars, well I don't have one and am not allowed to drive one, and even if I could I would not. There are not really traffic laws here, people just drive, and often very fast. As a pedestrian I am terrified, in the center of my city I often jump away from cars, I have started to ask around at work why we don't do anything to control the traffic, I have generally gotten answers that it is somebody else's job, or that it is illegal to make certain types of changes. 5) Hitching, doing this is easier and more excepted in the states. Not something which I would choose to do alone, but if I am with somebody else it it a good way of getting somewhere while having conversations and working on my Shqip skills.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Endless Entertainment
Today I have been:
working on updating google map maker, it is a slow process, made even slower when google map maker decided to go into maintenance mode.
becoming completely addicted to so you think you can dance.
waiting for an email for a grant alerting program.
grossed out by loud chewing noises
Ok I lied, I think I missed the making it interesting part of this blog. Oh well, sigh.
Drumroll Please...
So I had a productive day today... finished a sheet I had to for the Peace Corps, wrote out an email I need to send asking for books, and decided on what recipes I will cook for the next 10 weeks for my Bashkia (municipality). This weekend I believe I will be headed south for a tubing experience. My friend came up this weekend and we had a great time here in good ole' Shijak.
Sorry but my orange chips are running low lately, don't have all that much energy or humor to put into this, but wanted to give a quick hello. Today I am missing you all terribly!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Many Shorts
On Cats
I have a cat now. My neighbor came to my door two days ago with a box:
"guess what'
"uhhhh" was all I could muster
... , ...
"oh is it a cat" my sheepish reply, and yes, yes it was.
It is orange and white and meows like crazy. Seriously, skype me just so you can hear this thing go. I came home today to find it missing from its normal spot. It is still very afraid of me so it hides behind a cabinet in the front hall. I looked all over only to not find it. I figured it was somewhere in the house until I realized I left the window open a crack... oh no! But fear not, about 10 minutes ago I heard a loud meow... it's in here somewhere, I just still have no idea where. Unfortunatly the mother also hears it meowing and sits on my patio meowing. The cat still has no name and I am taking suggestions.
On Jews and Albania
I will admit I have had a few chances to mention my religion here. Usually I use it as a standard answer to why I don't eat meat, or why I don't date Albanian (I mean, that is a big part of the reason honestly and it just takes so many fewer words in Shqip). Normally I get 1 of two responses after I answer "Hebreo" to the question of "oh but what is your faith" 1) blank stares because they don't know what that religion is or 2) nods and ok but once again no further questions or responses due to the area of the unknown that it inhabits. Well the other day I went to see an artist and he had me write my last name down so he could give me a book. He took one look at it and replied "oh you're Jewish." I will admit that this took me a little off guard, but don't worry he went on to tell me that there were Jews hidden in Shijak during the Holocaust, and that he really likes Jews. He then gave me a really nice book.
On Daily Questions
There are a few questions which I inevitably get asked everyday (usually a few times) here.
- Do you miss your family? - Life in Albania is incredibly family based. People remain living with their parents until they are married, even after the youngest son is expected to remain with the family. So they are a little surprised to hear that I was living "alone" (with friends is the same as this in their minds) back in the states as well.
- Will you marry in Shijak? - The older men and women are very fond of this question, while the young women tell me absolutely not to do this. I like to tell them I won't because I want to live close to my family, and because of my faith. This prompted the response one time though "Libby is a good and beautiful girl, but she is a little racist." I further explained this answer don't worry. I said "maybe, but right now I just want to work on my career."
- The "mire questions." A list of questions which ALL are to be responded with only "mire": Si je, si jeni, si a kalova, c'fare ben? Yup all mire, and yup all usually asked in succession.
On Working Out
On Pollution
How can you even begin to address all the trash and water problems in Albania (or anywhere for that matter)? Damn regional problems really need to be fixed on the regional scale. It's frustrating right now because I know we're supposed to be working ground up but I would say one of the largest community problems is water and trash. We have a man made lake which was as far as I can tell created as a cheap environmental way to deal with toilet water (that's where our's goes) but there are all types of problems associated with that...Our “landfill” is right next to the river, we have no recycling (although we are interested). But here's the problem. Yes they want to do things about it, but even if we do something here (fix our water) they will still be dumping further upstream, so if we clean our water to move to fixing up the river (that's a large project they want to do) it's still crazy. But yes, I suppose I could start looking further into this. If only I knew more about water systems... anyone? If anyone does know (Dad..) please feel free to send me how to fix up a river, how to better deal with trash, or how to set up recycling. Just saying.
On Feelings
Sometimes I am really lonely, sometimes I feel really guilty, most of the time it's a little hard for me here. I live in a town that has at least 5 places to play pool, and the most common type of coffee bar is a llotto/sports/soccer bar. Now this might mean nothing to you, or it might really explain who inhabits the public space here, I'll give you a chance to guess... that's right men. When I walk to work I don't really see women milling about, there are only men in the cafes, and only men in the flower park. Yes, you will pass women, or see women running errands, I just don't personally see them seated all that often. Not to mention I live alone. I really would like to leave my house more, but to do what? I feel like I can go buy food and other than that what am I supposed to do? I run every now and then but it's just so hot. Also, I always hated exercising in public at home because I feared people would watch and judge me, there it might have been irrational, here it's not. Everyone really is watching me... and judging me when I do things in public. Some days I go to my neighbors house and they have been a great help, but they have their own family. I am going to the beach tomorrow with my counterpart and one of my fellow PC friends. So an explanation of the guilt... well I'm Jewish. But really, I am one of those people to always feel guilty, but here I just feel like I'm doing everything wrong. I wonder if I should be more integrated into the community, if I should be meeting more people, doing more projects, and so on and so forth. I start to wonder if I am making excuses, if really I could do whatever I wanted. And then there are the days that I just feel really tired. I am normally a pretty energetic person, but I am also one of those people who communicates mostly through stories. Well, my Shqip (Albanian) is not really good enough to get the speed and emotions to my story telling I normally have, and my English has to be incredibly slowed down and modified, once again making things difficult. Many days I come home exhausted just from not understanding what is going on around me, and feeling like I have not had a real conversation all day. I don't know, but please feel free to skype me or send me a message. Some times it's just good to talk. Sorry I guess this one wasn't really all that short.
On Cooking
Well I have had more time to cook. Thanks to mom and dad I know have a piece of Ithaca with me in the form of my moosewood cookbook (oh and my kids count tee shirt), and I have been modifying recipes from there and other places to fit what I can buy here. So I will start giving y'all some recipes I have been working on and enjoying.
Green beans + Dill: Cooked green beans with a sauce of: (I used) red wine vinegar, red pepper, dill, sugar, and onions all boiled together. Really I think you're supposed to use sherry vinegar, garlic, and red pepper flakes but I didn't have that.
Good Old Cucumber Salad: Mix plain yogurt, white vinegar, dill, garlic, and slices of cucumber.... Enjoy!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
My House
Here are some pictures from my house...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
A (Somewhat) Average Day
10:00- Go to do morning yoga only to find that my external hard drive is broken
10:20-12:00- question if it's really broken or just something is disconnected, figure out that no it really is broken, and try to fix it. Realize I need more help to fix it and will just wait for somebody to come and help me.
12:00- Try to unplug my computer only to get majorly shocked/electrocuted
12:20 Decide that it's time to go to the market to buy food
1:00 - Actually leave to go to the market to buy food
1:15- spend 20 minutes trying to explain what I want to buy (a half kilo please...)
1:45 - Run into a woman I stayed with and her sister and let them pinch my arms and call them fat (awesome).
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
address again...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
- written a wikipedia article
- found out about our waste and water system (we dump our toilet water into the lake without filtering it it seems, water comes 1 hour a day and then is stored, we collect trash daily and put it into a hole and cover it with soil, or just dump it by the river)
- started a Lynch map, and pretty much finished other than districts
- started a photo grid but gave up on that project after feeling weird about taking pictures of people's property
- gone for coffees
- read about youth participation
- read about youth art projects
- read about grant getting
- researched grants
- found out about the communities' priorities
and so on and so forth...
And when I ask about projects, the answer is we are waiting for funds. So now what? Well now I am researching books for a book club that may or may not ever happen... although I'm pretty sure I'm done with that. I guess I will keep reading about grants, and river projects...
Sending packages
I lied, send packages to "Elizabeth Horwitz" I have to go to Durres to pick up packages and show my passport so this will make it easier. The best way to send packages is through the US post office. Buy a flat rate box or envelope (the ones for 4 pounds or less only cost $14, which would be perfect for sending some light spices). Then send away!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Book Club
Some pictures

So I know all of you have been begging for pictures so I decided to put up a few... I took none of these, they are all taken by friends but they show a little bit of what I have been up to, I will continue to add more!
Enjoy! Now you know a little bit of what I have been up to.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Operation Understanding
Here is the link